Art Challenge - Day 22

  "El corazon mirando al Sur" desde el día que me fui, con la emoción y con la cruz
yo sé que tengo el corazón mirando al Sur

Continuing to paint inspired by some of my favorite Argentine Tangos.  The tango I selected is called (With the) Heart Looking South, which is very meaningful to me. Briefly, the song is about childhood memories that no matter where life takes you remain with you forever,  Memories make time and distance irrelevant. Those wonderful "simple pleasures," that sense of joy and wonder with which you see the world when you are little, never fades from your mind. You never really leave, and you know that a part of you will always remain in your childhood home.
My intent through these studies is to capture the feelings evoked by the places and experiences I remember most vividly from my early years living in Don Bosco, a city about eight miles south of Greater Buenos Aires.

No. 1_Park were we used to play just around the corner from our home.  Pure joy. Not a care in the world!
Placita de mi infancia
Study. Acrylics, 8" x 10"

No. 2_ My family would take the train to go to Buenos Aires. Sometimes, especially in winter it would be dark by the time we headed back home. For this five year old, nose stuck to the window pane, that brief ride home was a truly magical experience.
Study. Acrylics, 8" x 10"

No. 3_When I was around six my family moved to a newly developed area of town.  Dad planted a couple of trees in the parkway. They were probably six feet tall and skinny and didn't look much like trees to this little girl, not like the ones at the old house anyway. In time those two little trees grew and provided a great shady place for us to play as well as for all the other kids in the neighborhood.  I remember one misty autumn morning realizing, I think for the first time, how beautiful they truly were..  Crisp, golden leaves peeking through the morning mist, falling silently to the ground. 

Study in acrylics. 8" x 10"

I have one more study not quite complete for this series. I will post it later, then on to the last and final week of the Art Challenge!
