September Art Challenge - Week One

Posted below are photos of my first four paintings which I completed week one of September's Art Challenge.  The difference in size from the much larger canvases I normally paint was more difficult an adjustment than I anticipated, but interesting to try to resolve.  Dealing with an entirely new landscape, new surroundings and much different light, each representing a unique challenge and terrific learning experience for me.  Can't say with certainty that I will be able to catch up and complete all thirty paintings by the end of the month, but pretty will continue to paint each and every single day.  

 San Gabriel Valley Morning
Acrylic on stretched cotton canvas, 13" X 18" 

 Acrylics on canvas panel.  8" x 10"

Acrylics on canvas panel. 8" x 10"

102° F
 Acrylic on canvas panel 8" x 10"
